
In order to install/run Newsbuddy you need:

  • Python 2.6 or newer
  • PostgreSQL database 9.x or newer
  • Java 1.6 or newer
  • (optional) memcached cache server

Standalone Solr installation

While it is STRONGLY recommended for Solr to be deployed in a proper servlet container (e.g. Tomcat, Glassfish, etc.), using standalone Jetty is perfectly fine for development purposes.

Newsbuddy requires a recent Solr installation with Lemmagen slovenian langauge lemmatizer for stemming.

  1. Get and unpack Solr from Solr Homepage

  2. Create Solr Home directory, which will hold Solr database, configuration and Newsbuddy index:

    mkdir ~/solr_home
  3. Copy pre-made solr.xml file from unpacked distribution:

    cp ./solr-4.6.0/solr/solr.xml ~/solr_home
  4. Download Lemmagen lemmatizer JAR file and copy it into lib subfolder of home directory:

    mkdir ~/solr_home/lib
    cp lemmatizer_solr_1.1.jar ~/solr_home/lib
  5. Create Newsbuddy Solr core and copy core configuration files from Newsbuddy source:

    mkdir ~/solr_home/news
    touch ~/solr_home/news/
    mkdir ~/solr_home/news/conf
    cp -rv news-buddy/solr/config/* ~/solr_home/news/conf/
  6. Start Solr with start.jar in unpacked directory with solr_home directory as solr.solr.home parameter:

    java -Xmx2G -Dsolr.solr.home=~/solr_home/ -jar ./solr-4.6.0/start.jar &

Solr startup must execute without any exceptions. Output log must include:

INFO  si.virag.solr.LemmagenLemmatizer  – Initialized lemmatizer with language mlteast-sl

which shows proper lemmatizer configuration.

Newsbuddy setup

Install required memcached lib first (needed even if you won’t use memcached):

apt-get install libmemcached-dev

In the project directory run, to create a virtualenv:

virtualenv --no-site-packages .
source bin/activate

Then we need to install the dependencies:

pip install -r requirements.txt

Copy the default project setting so we can modify them later:


Setup database

Create a database for newsbuddy in your Postgresql and give proper permissions to user.

Updated with connection string to your database:



DB_CONNECTION_STRING = "postgresql://localhost/news"

Setup Solr endpoint

Set Solr HTTP endpoint. If you followed instructions at the start of this document your Solr endpoint configuration will be:

SOLR_ENDPOINT_URLS = { "si" : "http://localhost:8983/solr/news/"}

Setup local path

Setup LOCAL_URL variable to show to newsbuddy HTTP path. Make sure the URL works from local machine. If you’re running a development server the value will be:

LOCAL_URL = "http://localhost:8005"

(Optional) Setup memcached

Newsbuddy performs better with memcached caching server. Install it on your distribution, then updated MEMCACHED_URL variable to point to your server instance:


(Optional) Compile minified JavaScript

Minifying JavaScript increases Newsbuddy performance on the clientside. For JS compilation you will need:

  • node.js
  • Grunt

Before running grunt on newsbuddy for the first time:

npm install

To compile JS run:


in toplevel Newsbuddy directory. This will compile and minify JS files into ui/dist/nb.min.js file.

Production setup with WSGi server

If you with to run newsbuddy in production with WSGi server, follow steps in previous section, then copy production WSGi configuration file:

cp production.default.ini production.ini

and update paths to newsbuddy in that file:

chdir = /home/newsbuddy/news-buddy virtualenv = /home/newsbuddy/news-buddy

INI file can then be used as a parameter for WSGi server.